To promote & build up youth leadership in all walks of life.
To work for all round development (socio-economic), Health, education and other aspects of life of people of the tribal, scheduled caste, rural poor, slum dwellers and any other category of people in need especially the women.
To undertake research projects relating to environment, health, education, economy and other social and human rights and women issues.
To work towards reducing violence, abuse and injustice towards children, women and aged.
To grant, pay or give scholarships, stipends, prizes, rewards, allowances, fellowships, and other financial assistance or help in cash or kind to social activists working for social empowerment, change and anticorruption movement.
To establish and run creches, orphanages, hostels, boarding schools, old age homes with special concern for those from the under privileged sections of society.
To promote Art and Culture through study, research, documentation & promotional programme.